Well, in the couple of weeks, the UK has gone from height-of-summer heat to torrential rain and snow (gotta love our crazy weather) and my life suddenly got busy!
Stratford was visited while the sun shone. The butterfly farm there is amazing – ridiculously cheap to get in too. Look at the pretty pictures I took:

I managed to apply for a job, get offered it and turn it down, all the space of 3 days, I went to the MCMExpo and Comic-con in Birmingham (and bought a very cool Ltd Edition Monkey Island T-shirt), I broke my car (again!), I had a haircut for the first time in months (finally look half decent!), and I had my picture taken for the paper.
And here comes the shameless plug:
The picture in the paper was because I’m participating in this. It’s a charity gaming marathon, taking place over this Easter weekend (6th-9th April) live on the interwebs. We’ll be playing Super Mario games and raising money for SpecialEffect. So far we’ve almost raised £200 and will be playing for as long as the donations take us in our unlock list – so, the more donated, the longer we have to play. Donations are very welcome both before and during the event. Please take 5 minutes to have a look at our site, investigate the good work that SpecialEffect does and donate a couple of pounds to our event.
There – announcement over. Go back to your lives (after donating, obviously :-P)