I’ve always danced, right from when I was tiny. Whether it was organised lessons (ballet, tap, modern and jazz, I’ll have you know), tearing up the Union ballroom on a Friday night or just twatting about in my room with the stereo on, it’s always something I’ve felt compelled to do. I would spend hours… Read more Just dancing to the beat in my head (or, why I will never be a runner)

‘[Facebook] are a site, along with others, that’s allowed people to create an on-line persona with very little technical skill’ – Jennifer Golbeck Recently I watched an excellently interesting (and a little scary) TED Talk about how data gained from social media activity can be use to make assessments about a person, and whilst the talk was… Read more Just is a dirty word
Earlier this year, a tweet bought this article to my attention – and in turn, the issue of girls-only coding schools. I read the article and several others like it and became more uncomfortable with the idea the more I read. I think it’s worth mentioning at this point that I am a female web developer… Read more Girls only education: a massive step backwards
**NOTE: There will be spoilers** Point-and-click adventures have always been on of my favourite things to spend a lazy Sunday afternoon on. Although not as graphically impressive as recent RPGs, their simple often comic-book style has always been something that I’ve found aesthetically pleasing, and not having to master an overly complex control system appeals… Read more I don’t wanna pin that….(where did all the point-and-click adventure games go?)
Antonio: She that is Queen of Tunis; she that dwells Ten leagues beyond man’s life; she that from Naples Can have no note, unless the sun were post— The Man i’ th’ Moon’s too slow—till new-born chins Be rough and razorable; she that from whom We all were sea-swallow’d, though some cast again (And by… Read more What’s past is prologue…
I read this article today, and it struck a chord with me. In a nutshell, the article discusses why the author finds himself attracted to institutions – drawing on his childhood as a Prison Governor’s son, growing up within prison walls, to time spent at boarding school and University, and how the structure provided by these institutions oppose the… Read more Lust for Institutions
cre·a·tiv·i·ty [kree-ey-tiv-i-tee] noun 1. the state or quality of being creative. 2. the ability to transcend traditional ideas, rules, patterns, relationships, or the like, and to create meaningful new ideas, forms, methods, interpretations, etc.; originality, progressiveness, or imagination: the need for creativity in modern industry; creativity in the performing arts. 3. the process by which one utilizes creative ability: Extensive reading stimulated his creativity. Something that I’ve found interesting about becoming my own boss is the expectations people have of you when you decide to take on that role. The sudden ‘professionalism’ that is assumed of you, and a certain aesthetic that fits with their preconceptions. I… Read more Keeping Up Appearances
So I’m sat here on a Sunday, Sex and the City DVD on, cup of tea made and laptop open…..working (OK, well, at this moment, pretending to work). I was also sat here doing the same (minus SATC) until midnight last night. I used to dream about working for myself, and how awesome it would… Read more The 5 worst things about being self-employed: because everyone likes lists!
Well, I think ‘must try harder’ is probably relevant here. One blog post and then I piss off for over a week. In my defence, I did turn a whole extra year old in this time, and that took a fair amount of effort on my part. So the main thing I wanted to write… Read more D- must try harder
I tend to approach new social networks in a similar way to exciting new gadgets. You read up on how amazing they are and decide that this will be the thing that finally makes your, until now, average life meaningful. You rush home from the shop (or probably more likely, the letter box or local Royal… Read more What’s the point in Pinterest?